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203 hoteluri găsite

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Aegeon Hotel

Lesbos, Grecia

DESCRIERE: Hotelul Aegeon este o oaza de rafinament si eleganta in inima frumusetii naturale a lui Kalloni. Asezat la o scurta distanta de cristalinele ape ale marii, acest loc magic iti incanta privi...

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Aeolian Hotel este un hotel - proprietate ce va ofera acea ospitalitate tipic greceasca.
Hotelul Aeolian Gaea se afla in Skala Kallonis la doar 400 m de plaja si la...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Situated on the island of Lesvos, in the serene, seaside village of Skala Eressos, this 4-star property is brushed with invigorating strokes of the natural surroundings: the green of the lush, landsca...

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Akti (Molivos)

Lesbos, Grecia

Localizare: Hotel Akti este un hotel de top si se afla localizat la doar 1 km de Molyvos pe Insula Lesbos, aflandu-se in mijlocul unui paradis natural ce imbina avantajul de a fi aproape de mare cu na...

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Alma (Petra)

Lesbos, Grecia

Descriere: Hotel Alma are o pozite exceptionala oferind o priveliste panoramica asupra marii. Este recomandat cuplurilor care doresc sa gaseasca liniste si relaxare.
Tip masa: mic dejun

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Descriere: Proprietatea Anaxos Garden View Apartments este inconjurata de vegetatie mediteraneana: palmieri si maslini ce creeaza un spatiu ideal pentru relaxare,unde va veti bucura de linistea naturi...

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Anaxos Hill Village este raspandit pe o zona verde in jurul dealului cu o vedere panoramica asupra golfului Petra si a pitorescului Molyvos. 

Localizare :
Situat in Anaxos la m...

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Lesbos, Grecia

Hotelul Belvedere este localizat pe o colina, intre Molivos si Efthalou, oferind o priveliste frumoasa asupra marii. Este un hotel recomandat cuplurilor dar si familiilor cu copii.

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Clara Beach

Lesbos, Grecia

Clara Hotel este un hotel construit in forma de amfieatru cu o arhitectura neoclasica este localizat in zona Avlaki Petra din Insula Lesbos, intr-o gradina de 14 acri ce ofera un peisaj minunat al Mar...

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Delfinia (Molivos)

Lesbos, Grecia

Descriere: Construit pe o colina Hotel Delfinia ofera o priveliste frumoasa asupra marii si a localitatii Molivos. Hotel Delfinia are 125 de camere si este unul dintre cele mai traditionale cladiri di...

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On a sandy bay with pebbles, offering excellent view of the sparkling Aegean Sea and Molyvos village, Delfinia Hotel & Bungalows,is surrounded by lashing gardens and becomes the perfect hideaway to co...

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On a sandy bay with pebbles, offering excellent view of the sparkling Aegean Sea and Molyvos village, Delfinia Hotel & Bungalows,is surrounded by lashing gardens and becomes the perfect hideaway to co...

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Daca iti doresti sa te bucuri de apa si plajele minunate ale Greciei te asteptam sa calatoresti alaturi de noi!

Foarte multi turisti aleg o vacanta achizitionand doar cazare in Grecia si acest lucru se datoreaza preturilor accesibile, calitatii serviciilor, peisajelor poveste si a tavernelor cu mancaruri traditionale, delicioase. Unitatile de cazare din Grecia cu care agentia noastra colaboreaza sunt indeaproape verificate si atent alese de expertii nostri. Oferim toate conditiile pe care le doresti pentru un concediu de neuitat.

O vacanta in Grecia este ideala pentru cei care iubesc sa stea la plaja, sa inoate, sa practice nautice, dar si pentru cei care vor sa se bucure de frumusetea naturii vizitand. Plajele spectaculoase, apa limbede, nisipul fin, mancarurile traditionale delicioase sunt perfecte pentru o vacanta reusita. Unitatile noastre de cazare din Grecia sunt in permanenta verificate de specialistii nostri in turism si in permanenta aducem imbunatari asupra ofertelor pe care vi le punem la dispozitie. Rezerva acum o unitate de cazare in Grecia si nu vei regreta! Cazarea in Grecia este o varianta de petrecere a concediului intr-un cadru insorit, placut si relaxant. Te vei intoarce acasa odihnit, incarcat cu multa energie. 

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Mulțumim hello Holidays, mulțumim.doamnei ghid Oana Popescu o personalitate mulțumim domnului șofer,pelerinajul din insula corfu sf spiridon a fost de nota 20,aștept oferte oriunde în lume cu doamna P...

Gabriel Enache, 16.12.2024 Citeste mai mult

Buna ziua.Multumim echipei dumneavoastre(soferi,ghid)care a fost alaturi de noi in pelerinajul de la Sf.Spiridon-Grecia 09-14.12.2024.Sunt niste omeni minunati,am trait o experienta minunata alaturi d...

Harmanescu Mioara, 16.12.2024 Citeste mai mult

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